Thursday, May 12, 2011

If He Provides for This . . .

Every year at this time we face the same question: will Nathan continue attending the wonderful Christian school at our church or will finances force us to take him out. I encourage Nathan to pray for God to provide but prepare him for the possibility of being homeschooled if it doesn’t work out. God has made a way for him to stay at his school since kindergarten so I know I shouldn’t worry, but I never want to assume anything. This year I wanted to be especially careful about setting my expectations too high. Our family just experienced a major change that might drag out for awhile. I knew I couldn’t afford to set Nathan or myself up for disappointment. But I also needed to see, more than ever, that no matter what happened in our future, God would provide for us. He obviously knew that too.

Yesterday, I discovered that God had once again provided for Nathan’s education at this gift of a school. At a time when his world is being rattled, he does not need to also face the idea of leaving his friends. I do not need to worry about how I will work homeschooling into my schedule while pursuing more opportunities to earn income. But most of all, this is a reminder that, if God chose to make a way for Nathan to stay in private school (something that he clearly benefits from but is not a life-or-death necessity), He will surely also make a way for us to pay our bills, pay off our Mount Everest-sized mountain of debt, buy groceries, and cover some much-needed repairs and replacements in our home. If He cares about Nathan staying where he feels at home, He cares about my family’s unsettled future.

Thank you, God, for caring enough to provide, not just for our basic needs, but for the things that make our lives feel secure and rich. Thank you for continuing to surpass my expectations, especially when I’m afraid to have too many.



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